Come realizzare per Halloween l’effetto collo sgozzato “video tutorial” + 16 idee cool

Siamo ormai a metà ottobre e non si fa altro che sentire e leggere di Halloween. In realtà questa festa molto popolare negli Stati Uniti, poi arrivata anche in Italia e in Europa attraverso l’influenza di internet, diventa solo un pretesto per mettersi all’opera e decorare la propria quotidianità. Se avete voglia di saltare sul carro autunnale senza riempire la casa di oggetti horror e di zucche dalla risata malefica, ecco a voi un’ alternativa decisamente più tranquilla e rilassante, e semplicissima da realizzare. Guardate il video tutorial e capirete come fare:



by VonErickson, $16.00 - no spirit gum needed!

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make your own dress form with pre-glued packaging tape

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Head in a Jar Prank | Click Pic for 20 DIY Halloween Decorations for Kids to Make | Cheap and Easy Halloween Decorations on a Budget

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Halloween decorations: Ghost frame... just add the cloth!

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do we need a giant cardboard coffin????? I think we do!!!! (if you think we do since you'll be making it... but I might make it if I have good success with my grandfather clock!)

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Glowing Skeleton Hands:

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All you need is plywood & string lights to create this simple but classic Halloween decoration.

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Clever decorating idea for a porch for Halloween, floating Witch's hat luminaries, they even light up at night!

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DIY "Harry Potter" Style Soaring Candles - perfect for your Halloween Porch decor! | Livemaster - Spooktacular Halloween DIYs, Crafts and Projects - The BEST Do it Yourself Halloween Decorations

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Schwarze Kerzenständer (Anleitung)

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Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at

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Queste idee valgono oro… Altro che lattine!